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New Year, Improved Me!

As the wind is blowing and the weather is freezing outside I am blessed to be sitting by my warm fireplace, surrounded by good friends, watching some World Junior Hockey, and drinking a Caesar. Pretty Canadian, eh? I had an amazing Christmas holiday! Spending time with my closest friends, my family and boyfriend's family. There were tons of laughs, delicious foods, and festive drinks enjoyed. I am already missing all the togetherness, but lucky for me many of my friends and family members are a quick drive away.

The last couple of days I have seen many Social Media posts regarding the pending New Year! I am enjoying reading everyone’s reflections of the current year and their goals for the new one. Which has me thinking about what lessons I have learned, adventures I have been on, and goals I have achieved in 2017.

The biggest lessons I have learned

~You are responsible for your own happiness. Your friends, family, significant others definitely add to the happiness but if you are not happy with who you are and what you bring to the table no other person can make you feel fully satisfied.

~Let go. Let go of people who have hurt you and situations that have left you feeling empty. You are only hurting yourself by holding onto the pain.

~Embrace who you are. I admit I am a bit of a dramatic, anxious, whirlwind at times but I am also loyal, compassionate, and a nature loving hippy. I love all that I am. And the people who enjoy all the parts of you are the ones you want in your life.

~Take chances. Regret is the most debilitating feeling for me and I am sure I am not the only one. So take risks and make mistakes because if you don’t you will live a life of regret and no body needs that!

~Speak your mind. Whether it be to someone close to you, a coworker or a stranger if your gut is telling you to speak up and let your opinion be known then do it! Respectfully of course. Your voice matters and has the ability to influence others.

How did I learn these lessons? Well it didn’t happen in a year that’s for sure, I have been working on self discovery for a few years now, relentlessly. I have always felt like there was something missing; that I was meant to be more, to do more, make more of a difference. I can not quite put my finger on what it is exactly, but I am way closer than I have ever been. And for this I have to give credit to myself and my tribe, as without them I would not have achieved as much in the last year,

My biggest achievements

~Started a new job. Which has been challenging and enjoyable!

~Bought horses and barrel raced all summer. A goal I have been working on for 6 years👊🏻

~Co founded West of the Fourth Wildflowers with one of my soul sisters. W4W is a business focused on empowering woman through whole body wellness and group support.

~Made some hard education decisions that I am at peace with.

~Went on several adventures and opened myself up to new ideas. There are too many to list them all, but each and every adventure or idea have been important in my journey and most importantly my HAPPINESS!

A very growing year it has been, but I am happy to say I am not tired of the self improvement and am looking forward to so much more in the new year.

I am not big on New Years Resolutions, who decided these things anyways? We should be able to set goals and achieve them as we see fit, no new year new me stuff. If you want to start a new fitness and diet regimen in October, start as soon as the idea hits! Why wait for January?

So instead of resolutions I proposing we set guiding intentions.

What I mean is if you intend to get fit this year and want to set your sites on working out, healthy eating and maybe joining a gym or a wellness challenge (Click here for W4W Whole Body Wellness Challenge). Do not resolute that “I will lose 30 pounds in the new year”. That is a great goal to work towards, but by thinking about it in a different way, for example "I will work on feeling my best and celebrating small wellness victories". The results will come and you will feel less pressured/overwhelmed. Positive thoughts bring great rewards!

Do you see what I mean?

Of course, having more intentions, goals and dream as the year progresses is very likely and should be welcomed.

A few of my intentions for 2018

~Continue growing W4W

~Go on more adventures

~Work on being more easy going and less anxious

~Continue enjoying the small things

~Spend more time with my friends and family

~Another year with my boyfriend and enjoying our life together

~Improve as a rider and barrel racer

~Discover new nutritious foods, exercises and push passed my comfort zone in these aspects

~Self discovery never ends, continue the journey

~Step out of my comfort zone more

~Get another step closer to my education goals

~Be genuine

I hope my sharing has resonated with whoever reads this and remember everyone is different. We all require different things to feel success, love, and happiness and I hope you find what those things are. And I hope you have or find a tribe to surround yourself with.

The best advice.... Just be you. Everything else will fall into place.

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